Letters from our Listeners


Dear Y'all,

    I was recently listening to your Christmas '97 tape  and I didn't understand what the deal was with the fruit cake!!  Are we not supposed to eat them or what?  I thought they were safe to eat, are you saying they aren't?

            --  Worried about fruitcake.


Dear Fruity,

If you don't know we're not going to tell you .      


Dear WTCP,

You are very funny people.  You are the funniest.  I like it when you play Wesley Willis, he is a very good singer.  He can sing good.  That man can sing his ass off.  Rock and Roll Wesley Willis!!

--Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions


Dear Mr. Willis,

Please stop writing us, this is the 12th letter today.  We will stop playing your songs if you keep writing us. 



I would have liked to listen to that Christmas tape you sent, but when I opened the envelope it was in 2 pieces...kinda hard to play it that way.  Thanks a lot!


Dear Irate,

If you would have followed the instructions and opened the envelope the correct way we could have avoided this whole mess!

WTCP Guys,

Will you please post this letter on your web site? I think it would be real cool to see it there.  Will you?

    -- your biggest fans


Dear Psychos,

No! Thank-you. Good bye.

What I want to know is why the hell the news hasn't been updated since august you bastard?  what kind of f*#king web site is this you f&#king a$$ moron.  Why don't you just act like you never f*&king check to update s&#t.  

Dear Mysterious Angry Person,

You're running about a 9 on the tension scale there....I don't think that's just sugar you are putting in your coffee is it?   

If you would like to write us, send your letters to [email protected] we can't guarantee that your letter will appear here, but if we feel like it we might put it up.
